Total monthly consumption by zip code; history since Nov-2020.
Consumptions (active energy) that were billed since Nov-2020. The year/month refers to the period of consumption (not the time of billing).
Consumption data may change due to new billing adjustments for past consumption.
1. The information made available by E-REDES constitutes an approximation to the values taken from the system and is based on the moment in which it is collected. Given that the connection points, the electricity distribution network, and the consumption and production values themselves are naturally very dynamic, it is safeguarded that the information made available may be subject to subsequent changes and updates, with the exception of any omissions and/or occasional inaccuracies of location that the information may contain.
2. In this way, E-REDES is not liable to third parties, namely, partners, service providers, contractors, users and customers, for damages that may arise as a result, direct or indirect, of the use of this Information, in particular when carrying out interventions, calculations and/or estimates, without confirming the accuracy and updating of the data, whereby it is duly noted that the consultation of this information does not affect the duty to promote a direct consultation with E-REDES in order to obtain updated information.
The data provided by the E-REDES Open Data Portal is covered by open licenses (CC BY 4.0). There are no restrictions on access, under the commitment that data users cite the publisher. Therefore, we suggest that you cite the Open Data E-REDES Portal as:
E-REDES – Distribuição de Eletricidade, “E-REDES Open Data Portal”. Accessed in “Data”. [Online] Available at
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